As the number of credit card users sees an unprecedented growth, credit card fraud has increased too. It is easy to commit and criminals do not have to be very experienced or professional to execute it. However, it will put you through much unnecessary trouble.
Some ways to steal your CC Number
- Some retailers use systems that print your full number, name and expiry date on the receipts. This is all the information required for criminals to make payments online or over the telephone.
- Retail merchant or employees may use the details obtained during payments and use them dishonestly.
- High-tech skimming devices fixed to ATM machines or point-of-sale processing equipments record credit card numbers and information. This information may be used to make duplicate cards.
- Criminals could simply steal your card and use it by forging your signature until you realize it is missing.
- Bogus websites marketing products or services may be created just so that interested consumers will provide their details to make purchases. These card details can be then used by the website owner.
Some ways to prevent your credit card number from being stolen
- Much is being done in order to stop credit card fraud. Credit card processing equipments are constantly upgraded for this purpose. Some of the latest innovations do not retain the numbers, thus preventing retail merchants or their employees from using them illegally. Ask about the equipment being used before making your payment.
- Try to avoid using it if the system used by the merchant prints receipts with your full credit card details.
- Always tear up your receipts and bills before disposing them.
- Check your statements conscientiously. Make sure you recall making each and every transaction on the statement.
- Keep your credit cards safe.
- Do not reveal your PINs/passwords to anyone. Ensure that they are difficult for anyone to guess. Store them at a place different from your credit card. If you were to lose your wallet which contains both your PINs/passwords and your card, you would have made it easier for the one who finds your wallet to max out your credit card or make cash advances.
- If you are making payments online or over the telephone, be sure that the merchants are trustworthy. Check the security features available and know that they are reliable.
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